The Book

“…others expressed disappointment that the institution,The Apartheid Museum, was the brainchild of a White man”
Los Angeles TimesConsistent with the deceit that undergirds every act of racism, the cock-and-bull story about two White men – Abraham and Solomon Krok – as visionaries of The Apartheid Museum was hatched in the gambling den of Akani Egoli (Pty) Ltd trading as GOLD REEF CITY CASINO.
The Chairman leading this group of Directors: REUEL KHOZA.
Under oath, the company that carries that fraud through South African High Courts, The Supreme Court of Appeal and The Constitutional Court is, The South African Apartheid Museum at Freedom Park.
The Directors involved: Kim Feinberg, Lesego wa Lesego, Christopher Kroese, George Bizos, Steven Joffe, Richard Moloko, Solly Krok, Christopher Till and Sydney Abramowitch.
The Chairman leading this group of Directors: JOHN KANI.
“An intriguing yet most enlightening and powerful read so far, Michael …. soaked in and seeping with the brine of justified anger …. and the pain of being victim to criminal and racist skulduggery of the dirtiest gutter kind. For those of us with sentient souls, the tale unfolds. I now understand why your hands shake so much.”
Don MaterraThis book and the sequel, in working toward a cognitive understanding of racism and the pathology and circumstance of the slave, provides a historical backdrop to the discussion. The account gives a glimpse into our post 1994 South African Courts of Justice and shows the omissions and personal contributions – outside of evidence – that corrupt the truth. It shows the role of the South African Government; Freedom Park; the African National Congress; the Gauteng Gambling Board; South African Media and the continued criminal conduct of the Registrar of Companies.
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